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Mark Rothko, an American artist who described himself as an “abstract painter”, once said interested in the relationship of form, color or similar

Mark Rothko, an American artist who described himself as an “abstract painter”, once said about art that he was not the kind of person interested in the relationship of form, color or similars. He didn’t define himself as an abstractionist, but rather as a person interested only in expressing basic human emotions such as doom, tragedy, ecstasy and so on. This was one person’s vision of art, but what do we mean by art today? Why is defining the concept so difficult?

  • Item One He didn’t define himself as an abstractionist, but rather as a person interested only in expressing
    • Item One He didn’t define himself as an abstractionist, but rather as a person interested only in expressing
    • Item One He didn’t define himself as an abstractionist, but rather as a person interested only in expressing
    • Item One He didn’t define himself as an abstractionist, but rather as a person interested only in expressing
  • Item One He didn’t define himself as an abstractionist, but rather as a person interested only in expressing
  • Item One He didn’t define himself as an abstractionist, but rather as a person interested only in expressing
  • Item One He didn’t define himself as an abstractionist, but rather as a person interested only in expressing
  1. Item One He didn’t define himself as an abstractionist, but rather as a person interested only in expressing
    1. Item One He didn’t define himself as an abstractionist, but rather as a person interested only in expressing
    2. Item One He didn’t define himself as an abstractionist, but rather as a person interested only in expressing
    3. Item One He didn’t define himself as an abstractionist, but rather as a person interested only in expressing
  2. Item One He didn’t define himself as an abstractionist,
    1. Item One He didn’t define himself as an abstractionist, but rather as a person interested only in expressing
    2. Item One He didn’t define himself as an abstractionist, but rather as a person interested only in expressing
    3. Item One He didn’t define himself as an abstractionist, but rather as a person interested only in expressing
  3. Item One He didn’t define himself as an
  4. Item One He didn’t define himself as an abstractionist, but rather as a person interested only in expressing

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  1. Item One He didn’t define himself as an abstractionist,
  2. Item One He didn’t define himself as an abstractionist, but rather as a person interested only in expressing

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Mark Rothko, an American artist who described himself as an “abstract painter”, once said about art that he was not the kind of person interested in the relationship of form, color or similars. He didn’t define himself as an abstractionist, but rather as a person interested only in expressing basic human emotions such as doom, tragedy, ecstasy and so on. This was one person’s vision of art, but what do we mean by art today? Why is defining the concept so difficult?

Lorem Ipsum - это текст-"рыба", часто используемый в печати и вэб-дизайне. Lorem Ipsum является стандартной "рыбой" для текстов на латинице с начала XVI века. В то время некий безымянный печатник создал большую коллекцию размеров и форм шрифтов, используя Lorem Ipsum для распечатки образцов. Lorem Ipsum не только успешно пережил без заметных изменений пять веков, но и перешагнул в электронный дизайн. Его популяризации в новое время послужили публикация листов Letraset с образцами Lorem Ipsum в 60-х годах и, в более недавнее время, программы электронной вёрстки типа Aldus PageMaker, в шаблонах которых используется Lorem Ipsum.

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Mark Rothko, an American artist who described himself as an “abstract painter”, once said about art that he was not the kind of person interested in the relationship of form, color or similars. He didn’t define himself as an abstractionist, but rather as a person interested only in expressing basic human emotions such as doom, tragedy, ecstasy and so on. This was one person’s vision of art, but what do we mean by art today? Why is defining the concept so difficult?

Mark Rothko, an American artist who described himself as an “abstract painter”, once said about art that he was not the kind of person interested in the relationship of form, color or similars. He didn’t define himself as an abstractionist, but rather as a person interested only in expressing basic human emotions such as doom, tragedy, ecstasy and so on. This was one person’s vision of art, but what do we mean by art today? Why is defining the concept so difficult?